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    Love From Chaos: How I Learned to Accept My Son’s Autism

    A mother shares the private moments that strengthened her relationship with — and understanding of — her autistic child.
    May 13, 20211-min read + video#vivid tones#health

    Yueyue and his family live in Shanghai. When Yueyue was 3 years old, he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. It was hard for the family when they were told that the young boy wouldn’t develop language skills, or only have basic abilities. But from her initial misunderstanding of the child, Yueyue’s mother has made it her mission to comprehend more and more about her son’s inner world. A short animated documentary, based on the family’s most private and enlightening moments, tells the story of a mother confronting fate and bringing hope into her son’s life.


    This video first appeared in Sixth Tone’s sister publication, The Paper.

    Translator: Wang Jiaqi; editors: Qi Ya and Daniel Wilkinson