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    ‘Please, Find My Husband’

    Sixth Tone documents a woman’s search for her missing husband in the flooded subway tunnels of Zhengzhou after record rainfall last month.
    Aug 20, 20211-min read + video#disasters#vivid tones

    HENAN, Central China — On July 20, floodwaters from torrential rainfall rushed into the subway carriages of Line 5 in Zhengzhou, central China, killing 14 people — two of whom were initially reported missing. Later, the State Council, China's cabinet, announced it would conduct an investigation into possible negligence in the city's disaster response.

    It has been an entire month since the tragedy.

    This video documents the frustrating and heartbreaking days spent by the wife of a victim as she waits outside the train station closest to the flooding for any sign of hope that her husband might still be alive.

    Reporter: Fu Beimeng; video editor: Fu Beimeng; additional footage: Wu Huiyuan, Zhu Minjun and Zhang Weilong; graphic/motion designer: Cham Liu

    Editors: Kevin Schoenmakers and Daniel Wilkinson.