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    Sixth Tone, Revamped: New Sections, Improved Website

    The media outlet covering fresh voices from today’s China gets an updated look.
    Mar 27, 20231-min read #announcement

    Dear Sixth Tone readers,

    It’s time for some changes. We’re happy to roll out a revamped website ahead of our seventh anniversary in April.

    Most of the changes on our website are simple and subtle, to make navigation easier and more user-friendly. You can find all our previous coverage in the news, features, voices and opinion, Sixth Tone ×, and multimedia sections. We have also added a dedicated Q&A section and an announcements page to keep you up to date on our events and other offerings.

    As we step into our seventh year, we’re still committed to telling human-centric stories from across China. The changes on our website allow us to better tailor those stories to different digital platforms.

    We have also used the website upgrade to shine a spotlight on our special projects, which showcase cross-team collaborations and innovative storytelling. You can access the improved version of Sixth Tone on your computer and mobile phone, as well as the app.

    We hope you like the new updates and continue reading our stories. Thank you for supporting Sixth Tone.


    Team Sixth Tone